737 Throttle Quadrant v2.5
If out of stock means that we received the monthly order limit for this item.
Thank you for your patience.
737 Throttle Quadrant v2.5
Non motorized throttle compatible with FS 2004/FSX/X-Plane/Prepar3d/MSFS2020/PMDG 737/Ifly 737
Measurements 24.4cm X 28cm X h67cm
- thrust levers eng1,eng2 slide potentiometers
- TO/GA push buttons
- AT DISENGAGE push buttons
- 2 fuel cutoff levers
- 1 flaps lever with detents
- 1 spoiler lever with detent
- 1 parking brake switch with realistic red LED
- 2 stab trim switches
- 2 manual trim wheels
- Throttle quadrant stand (check options)
- 1 usb cable
- Backlit ready (check options for colour and installation)
- the throttle uses a FSPM joystick board 16 which is recognized by windows as any common joystick
Changes v2.1
- trim wheels increased diameter
- modified thrust levers for better sync between eng1 and 2
- modified fuel cutoff levers
Changes v2.2
- thrust levers made out of white acrylic(laser cut and engraved)
- modified thrust knobs eng1/eng2
- new design flaps lever and knob
- new design speed brake lever and knob
- new design for the trim wheels
- other minor mechanical improvements
Changes v2.3
- speed brake with detent
Changes v2.4
- reinforced thrust levers
- trim axis changed from m6 to m8 threaded bar
- wider throttle body increased by 5mm
- throttle height decreased by 4cm
Changes v2.5
- increased overall size to fit the new reverse mechanics
- reshaped thrust levers
- reverse levers can be triggered only when thrust is in idle position
- horn cutout button added
Please Note: Every month we are able to manufacture and deliver a certain amount of throttles. If out of stock means that monthly sales was reached.In stock means that we have all the necessary parts to assemble this throttle.Every quadrant that is ordered is individually made with a laser and cnc machine. All the parts,electronic and mechanical components are hand fitted and tested. When the quadrant is completed the unit is retested 100% to guarantee every part works perfectly so that you receive the best possible quadrant.
Lead time for this item is 10/15 business days
For the configuration we recommend:
Spad Next:https://www.spadnext.com/home.html
FSUIPC http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html
Mobiflight https://www.mobiflight.com/en/index.html